
Got another thing I'm interested in hearing from other developers.

What made you the developer you are today? Like what made you get into programming and was was a defining moment that changed your development process?

For me I started out making Minecraft mods because I was bored, spent most my time hard coding and suddenly discovered a way to do external assets and since then everything I've made is build to be individual standalone modules with easy to create user generated content.

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    I just love programming. I've always wanted to make things automated, efficient.

    First time I introduced to coding I was 17, loved it right away. Was always a math/logic type person.

    I can code while drunk, high, on no sleep, etc. I can't do anything else in those states, lol Its like my brain will work when it comes to coding, no matter what. Writing an article for example, or any one of 101 other business tasks, and NO THANKS.
  • 17
    For me personally I've always been interested in computers as I was very into video games as a kid. But for programming specifically it was a programming class in high school. It was very.. "Hello world!" and not much else, but I found out how to combine my love for physics with programming and make a shitty little model of the solar system for my final project. After that class (and that year) I went on to have a bit of a sabbatical from school (before anyone says anything that is normal where I'm from) and when the time came after that year, I had to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I remembered how much fun I had and applied for a degree in CS, which I'm now enrolled in. To be honest I didn't even imagine I'd stick with this for so long (it was really a choice of 'well nothing else interests me remotely') and now I can't imagine doing anything else :)
  • 2
    I loved typing some "text" and it magically creating things on the on the screen. I started with html&css then I wanted to animate it and so I learned Javascript. This was when I was 14-15 years old.
  • 4
    Back when dialup Internet was main stream.... and game walkthroughs were full walls of unusable text that went for miles - the good ones had searchable tags at least for sections.

    I decided to make a simple website that took a walkthrough, broke it up into sections by page, but added screenshots and map locations and it just grew with even more pages, this never got hosted on the internet but it sparked my interest and pleasure Centers when it all came together.

    From there I decided to look into databases and CRUD and built a forum back in the day, which I guess led me to where I am today as a full stack ecommerce and crm developer.

    All because I got sick of searching a wall of text I guess 😅
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    @C0D4 im also of the same memory of these walkthroughs

    Could have used that programyou wrote
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    I've always been interested in science as a kid, but back when I was in high school I discovered that it's possible to write something in plain and get rich text out (HTML and CSS), and I was hooked. I mean, how amazing is that? Making a computer display or even do something with nothing but text? After HTML and CSS I did a little bit of JS as well. Unfortunately, following that I had to pause my desires to create new things for a few years due to circumstances .. and after that I suddenly disliked web development. Too repetitive, not my kind of jazz.. meh.

    I got into Linux and found my first pentesting buddies, and learned gradually how to "do security" in both offensive and defensive ways. The history of how I finally got into sysadmin is lost to me, but what I do know is that it was one person who infected me with this lovely "networking microbe". A sysadmin here in Belgium introduced both me and another friend to networking while we were visiting.. and somehow it stuck. Later he also gave me one of his old servers, which to this day I'm still using 🙂
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    I started out tweaking my XBMC setup. Ended up using a piece macro/automation software called Eventghost. Eventually, I wanted to do something that required using its python scripting API. I searched the forums, found a similar script and was able to change it to do what I needed. Up until then I wanted to be a developer but always thought it was out of reach, like rocket science or something.
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    Your story. I wanted to do Minecraft mods and so my life was changed forever.
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    It started when i was like 10 Years old. My father buyed me some tech kit for Childs. With that your could let a LED blink and build a fan with a solar panel. I was playing around with it all day. I started to break everything with electronics in it to see how it works. Made my family very angry because i could not get the parts back together. One day we got our first Computer. Love on first sight. Guess what - i crashed it. We had no Computer since then. Years later i bought my own PC. Since then i learned how to put parts back to where they belong. Then it was the Software i wanted to know about. So i started to learn about programming. And now - when i see something not working as i want it, it gets reverse engeneered and built better. I improve functionalities and combine seperate ERP systems.
    I love the feeling when people come to me and ask "hey, is x possible?" and i am making it possible.
    If I think about it, it was the will to improve that has driven me to what i become.
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