
In honor of all my programmer buddies out there ...

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    * Kling! *
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    I'd hate dating another programmer.
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    I'd say date someone with similar intelligence, curiosity, lifestyle and humor.

    One of the female devs I work with wakes up at 5:30am to do crossfit, her favorite movies are all about guys running to the airport to proclaim their love to some spoiled bitch, and she has a tattoo of Steve Jobs on her lower back.

    Sure, her Swift & Kotlin code is impeccable, but if I were stranded on an uninhabited island with her I would murder, cook and eat her, even if we had plenty of emergency rations.

    My girl/wife is a dreamy night owl who loves gaming and watching cartoons, she enjoys discussing weird hypothetical scenarios in cozy coffeeshops over a large cappuccino -- I don't care that she went from archeologist to welder to actress, all those things make her more interesting to me.

    If I was stranded on an island with her, I'd wrestle a white shark to death and cook her the best sushi ever, just to make her feel more comfortable.
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    @Zennoe I think that's always a prerequisite for a long term romantic relationship :)
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    @Zennoe I think good relationships are all about building trust.

    When I met my wife we mostly just spent a lot of time together doing our own things, sometimes going to movies together, playing lots of computer & NES games.

    It was not dating — it just felt really comfortable being in the same room, without obligations or expectations.

    I think by becoming good friends first the bond has grown that much stronger. We can still just spend hours talking.

    And even the silences that fall, have never felt awkward.
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    @bittersweet gets it ;-)
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    Damn dude .. didn't expect that to hit me so hard ..
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    I don't want my wife to spend whole day fixing bugs. Atleast one us needs to have a social life.
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    @hackedranger why would you hate that?
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    @SmollPotato The problem comes with the idea of coming home and talking about work. There's a lot of different interactions you can have based on that, but since you're both bringing essentially the same thing to the conversation it'll eventually get kind of stale.

    It's not just that, but it's one of the easier aspects to point out.
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    @hackedranger Hahaha yeah the coming home and talking about work is quickly done sometimes, indeed. But I think that would be worse with someone who doesn't code, actually? Because they wouldn't understand anyway. So why bother trying to explain it to them if they don't have any interest in it? I don't talk about work with non tech-savvy friends, because they don't understand me even if I try.

    My bf and I are both programmers. We don't always talk about work, but we do help each other resolving some issues we encountered in our code, for instance.
    We have a lot of common interests, so it helps with the talking and doing something else than programming. We did plan on making side coding projects together tho, and I think that's very nice. He's a total geek/nerd, and so am I. Our conversations can go very deep sometimes.
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