
So I was checking out Scaleway home page, and they said: Gitlab use their infrastructure?

Is it pure lie or gitlab really host something there? And why would they do that if they use Google?

I don't know what to trust these days lol

  • 1
    That is most likely just a part of gitlab :)
  • 0
    @Linux what part exactly? I mean why having a product divided into two providers?
  • 1

    I dont know which part, it could just be one server with a databasebackup :p
  • 1
    @Linux hmm... could be, that reminds me of "Hello world" in 20 languages, and call my self a dev :D
  • 3
    @gitpush "why divided" part -- that's called risks management. If one of your prividers goes down you can keep running from the other one.
  • 0
    @netikras I did not think of that, good point. If I may ask, Google should have different zones, doesn't deploying on different zones reduce the risk of going offline? Or it is better to use different providers for proper risk management?
  • 4
    @gitpush you're still deploying on Google, right? What if political winds changed and someone decided to ban google from 7 EU countries? some of google's CDNs failed? Or a terror attack near G's datacenters, ISPs? What if someone hacked your google account?

    Yes, keeping eggs in different baskets is much better idea than keep them all in one.
  • 0
    @netikras oh I also did not think of that, thanks man for explaining it, much appreciated
  • 2
    @gitpush Server racks have at least 2 power supplies, at least 2 networks, DCs have at least 2 ISPs -- all of this just to keep show on the road. And yet still something can go south at some other scale and you'll have an outage. So keeping your service distributed (either active-active or active-passive, depending on your particular case) among different infras is a good idea to stay online 24/7
  • 5
    From GitLab


    ARM machines for building Raspberry Pi packages. They are C1 machines spawned inside Scaleway using scaleway docker-machine driver.

  • 0
    Ion know chief but i requested account deletion months ago and when i log in it still shows my credit card info sooooo
  • 1
    @C0D4 I see, well this is great to know thanks man :D

    @netikras I'm still new to these things, never knew it takes all that to keep a service up and running O_O
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    @ganjaman I'm not following lol
  • 2
    Me: hey scaleway pls delete my account
    Scaleway: aight

    Le epic months pass

    Me: coo, time to log on to scaleway
    Scaleway: still has my credit card info and my acc wasnt deleted
    Me: borger time
  • 5
    @gitpush gitlabs probably the most transparent repo host I’ve come across, they really don’t hide “much” from the public, sometimes it takes a bit of digging though.
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    @ganjaman you remind me of a service I tried they also have not deleted my account till today but at least I did not put my credit card there lol
  • 1
    @C0D4 That's what I'm seeing so far, though I wonder something I never found an answer for even in their docs, shared runners should have a limit of 2000 minutes, my account always shows 0 minutes used when I have auto build and test for multiple projects, in this case, what do they mean by that quota?
  • 4

    My understanding of the shared runners are for when you have a team or group repo using the Ci/CD tools.

    I don’t use GitLab for team based repos, i have github for that. so can’t really offer much on that one.
  • 1
    @C0D4 ahha, I'll try to research more about it, thanks man
  • 4
    @gitpush if you look through their handbook it should have something about them and probably things you’ve never thought of 😅

  • 1
    @C0D4 I feel ashamed for not reading this but instead asking questions lol
  • 4
    @gitpush all good, it’s not a thing most people expect to be able to find, a document covering almost everything about how and what the company does.
  • 1
    @C0D4 exactly, that's a thing I never expect to find lol
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