
Letter to my brother who wants to be like me.
Start out with HTML5 and CSS3, dive into Bootstrap and create some static stuff.
Go ahead and learn JavaScript frameworks like Backbone.js, Ember.js, etc.
Get experience on JavaScript libraries like jQuery, RequireJS, Raphael, and Backbone.
Understand software design and object-oriented coding skills (here you'll need to choose a programming language that is relevant), it might not be strong but along the way you'll find your flare.
Be creative and innovative. Hitting deadlines will be good skills for you.
There might be instances when you can't deliver, speak up on time.
Like typewriting, speed and accuracy is great, so in design and development try to add attention to details.
Have an understanding of the latest trends and their role within a commercial environment.
Learn professional business approach to time and costs, then put a price tag.
Credits: AlchemyPro

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