Spent enormous amount of time learning to code while creating a game at the same time - now I cannot event post about it on reddit, because my posts are invisible :(

Maybe you guys would like to try my game :) ?

Android link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/...

iOS link - https://itunes.apple.com/app/...

  • 0
    @irene Thanks :)
  • 1
    Hey I like this. Didn't play games on my phone for a few years because they all feel trash. This one works smooth on my device, the interface looks clean and is doing only what it should be doing, the game scales with my display size. The ui is fast (the most annoying thing about games is when you want to play but have to wait for menu animations to finish).
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    And welcome to devRant of course 🤗
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    @AppGhost if you have the time to implement some more stuff:

    1) make the settings panel closable not just by pressing the settings button
    2) add a setting to disable notifications. So I don't have to block all notifications by default
  • 1
    Sure, first one is already planned. About second - thanks, good suggestion :)
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