
Just for a smile. Scroll on... :-)

  • 0
    I think that one is a follow up on a previous comic...
  • 8
    Oh the comics I could write.
    My boss gives me so. much. material.
  • 4
    @Root Just do it then! It's an awesome hobby, even if you couldn't draw to save your life (like me).

    I've started a sketchbook when I entered school, I'm still busy scanning and coloring them (The penguin's finest bullsh*t, it ended up being about 200 A5 pages mostly about the media, the education system, nazis and other crap), maybe I'll upload them one fine day.
  • 2
    @ilPinguino I can't art. 🙁

    And comics with stick figures wouldn't be very good.
  • 0
    @Root They don't need to be good... If you think it's fun, just do it.
  • 2
    @ilPinguino is right, artwork is not that important. The images serve just to get the joke across. Just look at some xkcd comics; some are justs a graph without characters and still funny as hell.
    As long as it's clear and funny you are golden
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