
note to self: do not use super glue on your keyboard

note to self part two: do not listen to the internet and use nail polish remover to get super glue off your keyboard

  • 19
    Are you sure that's super glue ;)
  • 1
    @androso Bahaha.

    to explain, I have a cut on the side of my hand that been bleeding literally nonstop for the last few days and so super glue has helped stop that big time and it was still wet on one side apparently when I put my finger on one key earlier.
  • 0
    One key turned into 5 because of nail polish remover :/
  • 1
    @mpotratz sucks but yeah, not hard at all which is one of the reasons I love thinkpads so much. taken it apart more than a few times in my boredom! 😀
  • 2
    now use peanut butter and rubbing alcohol to remove both ;)
  • 3
    @macleod Super glue as a first aid solution is a wonderful thing (even though it can leave ugly scars) but it's not a permanent thing (or at least it shouldn't be). If a wound won't heal after you sterilised it there are three main suspects, poor clotting factor which is a case fir the stethoscope wearing butchers, an infection you didn't get rid of which is a serious case for the butchers if you like your hand (necrosis is really no fun) and last to much movement for the clotting to stabilise. In the third case (meaning the wound builds a crust and doesn't smell strange) use huge amounts of glue, immobilise yozr hand for 24 hours, apply pressure from both sides and fucking wrap gauze around it. You're a programmer, your hands are your money, shiw some love to them.
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    @Godisalie taking super good care of them, it's not necc that it bleeds nonstop it's that it's right on the knuckle of my dominant hands pointer finger and it scabs over just fine but it breaks open so very easily because I always pick things up or do things with it. Super glue just adds an additional barrier on top of it. has really reduced it's size (was originally a blister from picking up a hot plate) . Trust me I am watching for necrosis a lot. Major thing I'm worried about.
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    @macleod Knuckles are mean. Almost no possible movement that doesn't strech the skin. Best thing I found was to drown the wound in sanitizer, take a lot of glue and basically create a small pocket with the wound in the middle. Minimizes tension and after some tries you get it done in a way that lets it breath. And sorry if I seemed a bit aggressive but after almost losing a hand once from "a scratch" I get a little bit sensitive about people underestimating how fast shit can go sideways.
  • 0
    @Godisalie I totally understand, had trench foot that nearly took off my foot six years ago and still gives me issues because I had some water in my socks while hiking for six hours once.

    So I totally understand, I am very big on the while "keep it clean, never underestimate, and keep an eye on it" methodology.
  • 2
    @mclovinit superglue was invented as a triage tool by the military.
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    acetone eats plastic lol. use alcohol
  • 1
    @macleod That looks so much like dried semen to me!
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    At least semicolon key is clean.
  • 1
    At least it's a Thinkpad, so you can easily replace that keyboard yourself.
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