
I don't really like that corny ass joke about going to the grocery store and buying eggs or whatever the fuck it is, but this.... This is fucking hilarious.

There's a solid 75% chance that Caecilia is a programmer.

  • 4
    the method works if you throw the empty packages.
  • 18
    Oh boy, here's my chance to say it!

    @stop You must be fun at parties.
  • 3
    @dr-ant i managed not to get invited on parties.
  • 0
    @stop I... I hope you like that. I don't much like parties. But apparently that's how the HR team creates bonding between the team and you either go or you lose points.
  • 0
    Either way... I am sorry.
  • 0
    I don't understand. she bought up a valid point :/
  • 1
    Then there is no child to act up, obviously.
    Even if she's a programmer, then she's a terrible one, not getting the simple logic.
  • 13
    This is actually funny
  • 1
  • 1
    @growling lmbo. He really posted it! 😂
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