
GraphQL is awesome!

  • 2
    What is that?
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    @R1100 it's the next step after REST api. It stands for Graph Query Language and acts like an ORM and lets you query any connected data source with a json like syntax.
    It returns only the specific data endpoints you've asked for. Instead of getting the whole json blob like you get with REST. It saves transfer bandwith and sites load faster.

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    @heyheni sounds cool!
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    @R1100 yeah much better than REST if you use it correctly.
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    the most interesting graphql project i find is https://www.prisma.io/

    It automates the access and migration of your existing databases into an graphQL api.
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    @heyheni will have a look at this too
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    I know, right! I really want to use it in front end dev to make components' data reqs explicit and oh so tailored... No more fetching /api/eeeverything or fetching unnecessary data because the component evolved and got trimmed down but the endpoint didn't because it was used by multiple thingamajigs.
  • 3
    We use GraphQL in our main project, have used it on a daily basis for about a year now. Absolutely in love with it! It does have some minor disadvantages, but nothing severe enough to be even mentioned.
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    Any reason to switch to GraphQL, if you use OData?
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    Damn, facebook made this?
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    @ralnivar Yea, but it will soon get its own foundation in cooperation with the Linux foundation 😄
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