I hate it when the college gives priority to project report than project. I fucking hate it. Line spacing, fancy borders, font size, institutional logo, who the fuck cares? All I care is what work is going on and what have we learnt from it. Fuck these faggots. For the past week I am more of a typist than an engineering student.

I got even angrier when the evaluators did not even open and go through the report.

for i in range(sys.maxsize()):

  • 1
    I can relate to this. One of assignments I did once was a Java application, where 40%(!) of the grade was the report.
  • 0
    @jibberdev919 this is the netherlands too
  • 1
    It clearly shows that the final result is not that important. You can put garbage there, no one will care :)
  • 1
    What do you think it's like in a professional setting? Hint: meetings, reports, meetings, meetings about meetings, code, meetings about code.
  • 0
    @jibberdev919 you guessed it right! It’s quite messed up here.
  • 1
    You know, in real life, you can fail with the task you were given. But if you have the paperwork done, you can approach over and over again, have some help, or give the task away. Yet no one is going to do your paperwork. In real life is the basics of long-term communication.
  • 1
    Wait until you are working at a company and they care more about status reports, meetings, and presentations on the project than the actual fucking code the project runs.
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