
--- linux.org domain taken over, doxxed person who created CoC (but wait!) ---

At the time of writing, linux.org does not support HTTPS and has an empty page. Previously, that page showed quite a lot of information about the doxxed person
www.linux.org redirects to the previously doxxed person's Twitter account.
Currently, this seems like a DNS takeover.

We ask you not to spam them. Yes, they created the CoC, something lots of you hate. However, they only created it. They weren't responsible for quite a few open-source projects adopting it. Thus, doxxing then like this was a (objectively) terrible idea, as they aren't responsible for those that made Linux use the widely-hated CoC.

Thanks for reading this brief article, take care.

  • 7
    Post written by @filthyranter
  • 6
    Addendum: It seems like the Twitter doesn't belong to the doxxed person, but to the person that bought linux.org at renewal.
  • 7
    Still, do not spam them. Do not give this piece of shit the attention it wants.
  • 5
    All good and well, but who is this kitlol5 even? First time I see that name pop up.
  • 8
    Also for the sake of full disclosure: https://web.archive.org/web/...
  • 5
    How can you say they aren't responsible for adopting CoC if they are the ones who wrote those retarded rules? If not for them, there would be nothing to adopt, or at least maybe something less shitty.

    I'm not saying that harassing this person is OK, just that your statement lacks logic.
  • 11
    @Condor That was one bottomless disclosure too many on the bottom of that page, UNSEE UNSEE UNSEE xD
  • 1
    @arraysstartat1 If I put a document on the internet and suddenly, people use it in all their projects, is it my fault that they use it?
  • 3
    @xewl if that's disturbing to you, I can only imagine how disturbed you'd be by the content in Telegram's codrTalk - NSFW group 😆
  • 2
    @Condor Disturbed is a way of putting it... but who's to say I'm freaking out over it or not, right.. I see a lot of uncensored nsfw shit x)
  • 7



    I really don't have any sympathy for her, they're a toxic human and deserve toxicity back. Change my mind.

    Plus her Wikipedia page reads as if it was written by her, which would come as absolutely no surprise.
  • 5

    There's a fair few Windows 10 users that involuntarily had their PC upgraded from Windows 7 or 8. Microsoft only made the operating system, so they're not to blame, right? Considering that it's the users that allowed the update to get through after all. But there's a problem.. that Windows 10 upgrade had been jammed down people's throats quite forcibly.

    Same thing with that Contributor Covenant. Sure Coraline Ada (or as I'll call 'em from now on, Corey Dale or even Corey Bantik) has merely written it out, but there's no denying that it's been forced down project maintainers' throats pretty forcibly, in a manner similar to how Microsoft shafted down Windows 10.

    "Oh you don't want to merge in our extremely inclusive Contributor Covenant?! YOU MISOGYNISTIC RAPE APOLOGIST!!! I'll expose you on Twitter for the filthy white cis male you are!!! Last chance to accept this CoC motherfucker!"

    Or something along those lines.
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm any link to the Wikipedia page? 🤔
  • 4
    Look, Coraline is highly aggressive. She has conducted quite some witch hunts over the years.

    Take a look at the opening here:


    ---- Quote:

    "As a non-binary transgender person I am deeply concerned by lack of diversity in the systemd project. It does not look like a safe space for marginalized groups."

    /Quote ----

    Along these lines most of the different dramas went.

    Another example: Ruby. When things didn't go as planned, she called out on Matz via Twitter. That's short of blackmailing.

    If you want to find out more about how CoralineAda and her gang operate, this guy here has put up quite a summary:

  • 6
    Boy, every CoC-related discussion is so shitty on both sides of the conflict. It's like looking at an argument in kindergarten...
  • 2
    @Condor Well, Microsoft not only made Win10, but also forced the upgrade.
  • 4
    You see this is why complete freedom is a fucking bad idea :)

    It is by default, assholes are blocked in any situation (open source projects, social media ...etc)
    But coming in like: I'm a transgender ...etc ...etc ..etc. why playing on emotions: I'm the weak one in the jungle of hell ....etc, and why being biased? If someone tells me "Your code is fucking useless" he is attacking males? attacking my personality? attacking my origins? HE IS ATTACKING THE DAMN CODE!

    This needs to stop, but I don't blame them, I blame those who blindly follow them and think they are only doing what is best for this world when in fact they are making this world a living hell because they only see part of the idea, get brain washed, and then released to this world to spread their incomplete, non logical "goal" that they themselves have no clue what it will benefit coming generations. They only know that "being an -insert anything here-" must be acceptable in society but I bet no one knows why!
  • 3
    @filthyranter and so does the sjw community with the Contributor Covenant. That's my entire point.. the Windows part is just an analogy to what the SJW's have been doing. The LTT link pasted earlier is actually really good, plenty of examples and sources in it.
  • 2
    @gitpush we are gonna end up implementing a completely different thing. A code of code if you will. It will basically say if ya ain’t in it ya can’t win it. Not pushing code or contributing code? GTFO of internal proceedings. If you don’t like it don’t use it.
  • 1
    Guys, have some fun and search Github for NCoC. That's how it works! 😁
  • 0
    @irene Seriously?

    Here you are: https://github.com/search?q=NCoC :D

    (Hint: The first hit it is! ^^ )
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    @AlgoRythm oh, Coraline you mean.. I thought you were talking about that kitlol5 😅

    Well, Coraline Ada Ehmke I've got some very strong opinions on. I condemn rape of any kind, but that fake-ass bitch is the exception. If she gets her cunt fucked right and proper in a dark back alley, I'll fucking celebrate it and make it a yearly holiday 😉

    So yeah, he/she/they is indeed very toxic and most certainly deserves every bit of toxicity that that person caused to Linux back.
  • 2
    @Condor You'll never get that fantasy, sadly. Nobody wants to rape "her"
  • 0
    Hahahahhaaha. 100% of donations go to diversity programs! BahahahaahahhahHHHhBBBabahahahahahahhahahahah.
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