
It's interesting that AAA games are becoming analogous to pop music, as they relate to the medium of which they are part. E3 is just a bunch of trailers for rushed sequels to existing, played-out franchises. The big price tags are almost universally not worth it, as these games typically release with major bugs, and often rely on grind-enforced microtransactions.

Meanwhile, indie games keep getting better, more innovative, and remain reasonably priced. Ubisoft, EA, Bethesda, Rockstar, and the rest of the big-budget studios can eat my ass.

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    Star Citizen
    Just saying
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    @irene not bad at all
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    Lol reason for that?
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    Because there is already a shitton of information about the gameplay, no need to make another gameplay video about it
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    Well, RSI has been posting weekly updates about the development since 2013, so there is alot of information around already :)
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    You hate on Rockstar for release a great game every five years? Really? I get the EA and Ubisoft hate.
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    @Linux land claims and the legatus pack.
    Juat saying 😏
    CIG is not exactly a paragon of virtue, are they?
    The game looks amazing but when u zoom out you realize its a jpeg factory
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    Well, they have to raise money somehow, and they do deliver. I guess you have not seen what they have released the last month
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    I'd say a better analogy is to AAA movies nowadays. Pop music nowadays usually is mixed great and made by world class musicians. And although it is also a cash grab and the music can get stale, at least the product is of high quality and complete when it releases.
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    @Linux it was 3.2 or 3.3 i rekon, i saw them at the time. I won't comment on the game itself, but CIG's business practices don't look much vetter than major publishers to me...
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    I dont know how they would raise money otherwhise, considering that they dont have any major Investor behind them.
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    Then there is Metro series. Metro Exodus is actually cheap. Pre-ordered
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