For all those lazy people who hate writing long domain names: DDG is now available also on duck.com domain

  • 3
    If there was only a way to “save a web page”. Page? Maybe we could call it a “bookmark” after the page of a book....
  • 6
    ddg.gg is 2 characters shorter 🤔
  • 5
    Duck is one - very small - step away from dick. I'd Freudian slip that shit so much that I'd end with a net time loss from having to explain to my friends that I'm not as gay as my browser history implies.

    "Hey, it says right here that you've visited dick.com over 500 times in the last three days... Are you alright mate?"

  • 0
    @irene Oh right! Has to be the riskiest url ever, it's like a minefield 🤓
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