Amazing how one can easily browse the web nowadays...
A popup to allow notifications, that shitty cookie information, a subscription box and a fucking video that automatically starts playing while drowning my mobile internet.
Maybe I'll write another rant about the actual topic I looked up...

  • 1
    I also don't know why there are two buttons, one button "Nieundnimmer" would be sufficient...
  • 1
    Hey, we have an APP too - download it right now!
  • 0
    "Hey, you seem to be enjoying this article! Do you want to subscribe?"
  • 0
    Just don’t visit that site anymore - I have stopped using certain websites. If there are ads that autoplay I’m out.
    I refuse to use an adblocker, because I have enough external dependencies in my browser as is and I do think content creators are entitled to earn a few bucks.
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    @fml89 blocking ads cut page loading times in half for me. I'll never browse without blocking ads ever again unless I have to.
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    @EmberQuill you do you and stuff - my internet and page load times don’t annoy me.
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    I can recommend the “i don't care about cookies“ plugin. It makes the web tolerable again.
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