We need a stackoverflow for girlfriends....

  • 16
    Just gonna leave this here...
  • 25
    For troubleshooting or documentation/reference? :P
  • 15
    @AmyShackles both! Mine keeps breaking
  • 29
    @bashleigh Have you tried turning it off and then on again... wait, that tends to annoy humans..
  • 9
    Just kick it till it works?

    Hmm i see how this doesn’t end will with humans either, but if you find this great source of knowledge please share.
  • 8
    Got a pretty good manual
  • 7
    @AmyShackles I tried that. Couldn't find an on/off switch do I tried doing some percussive maintenance and she turned off. Just wondering how to turn her back on again :P
  • 17
    Could it be a parsing issue? Are you implementing type checking of input? While they won’t necessarily throw an immediate error, there can be some long-held resentment if you give them the wrong type of input...
  • 16
    @AmyShackles I reckon it's a race condition and she's jumping to conclusions
  • 5
    Isn't there a social skills stack exchange or something?
  • 2
    @irene if you want one write a mail to getthatgirl@hottestmail.com
  • 6
    @ilPinguino mygirlfriendhatesmeagainexchange.com
  • 6
    Man, I really need to sleep instead of trying to come up with more tangentially related advice that can apply to code or humans. It’s like almost 3:30 already XD
  • 10
    Last one! Memory leak? One of y’all accessing memory y’all don’t have allocated and getting some garbage value and thinking it’s valid data?
  • 5
    @AmyShackles you mean something like changing rooms triggers a garbage collector and clears the instruction stack?
  • 2
    We would just get people claiming they have the answer when everyone knows that no one really has the answer when it comes to women, not even the woman in question
  • 2
    Just choose the right one. Then she will be stackoverflow for you......
  • 1
    @ilPinguino There is indeed. That's the stackexchange that is the most like a "girlfriend stackoverflow".
  • 1
    @TempestasLudi And that's irony for you right there. The most unwelcoming, unsoicial community has a part about social skills. 😂🐧
  • 2
    @ilPinguino Stackexchange is not entirely unsocial... SO is by far the most toxic and largest one I believe.
  • 1
    @irene then try getthatfkinmanual@getthatgirl.hottestmail.com
  • 3
    @AmyShackles turning a girlfriend off is the easy part in troubleshooting. It's turning her on where some people are struggling. ;-)

    As for the original question, isn't that Tinder?
  • 5
    @Fast-Nop I think even just asking random people on the street to be your girlfriend has a higher success ratio to land you in a long-term relationship than using Tinder. Tinder is true to its name: Volatile fires burn down quickly.

    As for girlfriend (and boyfriend) advice: Honesty & attention seems to be important.
  • 0
    Press her turbo button to run her at the correct speed
  • 1
    @ftyross bro i fcking love you, that video made my day. however i am very scared now, because i literally been with a girl that is in the unicorn zone.... i fucking swear, i ffffcuking swear bro, i so fucking much swear that i can not explain.... i found a unicorn..... i fkig found it.... thats why my life is now 50% completed, i fkig almost cried of gratefulness when i came home afterwards
  • 0
    @irene it was not a fkig dude it was literally a unicorn.... this was a 1 in a billion chance for me
  • 0
    @irene let me correct you:

    "and you fucked, yeah?"

  • 0
    @irene thats the trick, i didnt go out with a unicorn. i simply did what i corrected you. that was it
  • 3
    I dunno, I don’t find women that more difficult to understand than men, personally. Though maybe that’s because one of my low key superpowers has always been “being the kind of person people naturally lower their guard against and reveal vulnerabilities to”. Which is just my way of saying that people tell me things. A lot of things. That they don’t tell anyone.

    Though thankfully the post-coital one-night-stand confessional streak ended. Those were disturbing times.
  • 1
    @SukMikeHok your welcome. It certainly made my day when I first watched it. I still need to show my better half it.
  • 6
    I've fed her. She's happy now... Should've known...
  • 1
    @irene Yes, equilibrium. I couldn't agree more! :-)
  • 0
    I believe that the girlfriend problem is much harder than the hardest NP-complete problem
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