
Someone wants me to make VR Fortnite for them what the fu-

  • 11
    "You use the keyboard on your computer, you must know how!"
  • 19
    "I'm going to need a starting capital of 550..."

    "That's reasonable"

    "...thousand dollars, at least 10 senior devs, around 40 asset artists, 5 for sound design..."

    (If they ask the question seriously, give them a serious answer 😁)
  • 4
    Stupidity is limitless in this type of people..
  • 4
    @bittersweet I shut them down very quickly. They are stupid, but at least they have money. I’m being paid to make a smaller game for them now. :)
  • 3

    10k for each person? I guess you would hope to get the project done quickly? I would not bet on that budget. I bet you'd blow more than half a million on legal/licensing just to deal with epic megapricks.
  • 4
    @bahua That's why I said "starting capital"... you need to get things up and running. Then you should eventually get more investments, and start generating revenue.

    I've never set up a game studio, but the startup I work for started with 500k, then 2M, then 17M investments, growing from just me as developer, to over a hundred developers.

    I think the challenge with games is the lack of revenue until release date -- you either need substantial loans, or go down the early access road which is also quite tough.
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