Setting up your development tools on Windows machine...

Oh my god! This is a mess.

  • 3
    My thoughts exactly every single time a friend of mine (and most are still on Windows) wanted to get into programming... 😅
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    @jespersh Well, I don't have much experience with Xcode, but macOS is still easier than Windows in my view for more standard tools since it's UNIX-like just like Linux (and this comes from a former macOS user who switched to Linux 😅)
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    It's even worse when you're setting it up on a company-owned laptop and you have to request software and wait for them to test and approve it if it hasn't already gone through the pipeline. Ugh. I requested Python three months ago and never got it. I ended up installing it myself because I have local admin rights. Technically not allowed to do that, but I'll never be able to do my job without it.
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    @nikolatesla I work for a very big, very old company. All the processes and procedures are slow as hell.
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