
Recently bought some programmer T-shirts
made me popular, now I am known as the guy with the cool shirts.one of them has this on it:
2b || !2b ? "2b" : "!2b"

my fav joke now

I use these shirts to make friends and it actually works, you should also try ;)

  • 2
    @irene read it out loud
  • 1
    @irene cuz the answer is always 2b, never give up to the feeling of wanting ! to b
  • 1
    doesn't work for me. apparently i am the only nerd in my area. so i enjoy these shirts solely on my own.
  • 1
    @irene since i am happily married this doesn't bother me at all 🙂
  • 5
    In JavaScript this will get you "unexpected token" because 2b is not a valid variable name nor a literal of any kind. Which is probably what Shakespeare intended.
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  • 2
    @irene beside hoping ours is, you're totally correct. my experience is that in my case the shirts don't matter on my repellentness.
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    This expression will return true only in first order logic
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    Ah, it's a complex theorical thing... I studied something of it at the uni, they have something like a "undefined" boolean value, more or less.
    I am completely noob
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    @CoffeeNcode nothing too fancy, just amazon

  • 0
    @irene Yeah its a nice one
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