yo what the fuck fckk off android this song has more than 50 chars and i want to name it by full name and now what do i do ?

  • 2
    What happens when your press Cancel?
  • 1
    @bkwilliams it extends +5000 new characters limits
  • 2
    fix source and recompile android?
  • 1
    @kenogo i am renaming it by the androids default system folder
  • 2
    Delete it.
  • 11
    @SukMikeHok android does not have a default system file explorer, it's just some app preinstalled by a shit phone brand
  • 0
    Android is Linux.... This write is near impossible on Linux... It supports looooooooooooooooooooong file names/patha that even Window complains about
  • 2
    To follow up on @billgates comment, Windows full path limitation is 260 characters. While you can adjust it in some versions of 10, by default it’s 260.

    I remember a limitation of Delphi was 200, even if Windows allowed more.
  • 1
    @succcubbus Pixel phones do come with a file explorer so it is probably in AOSP too
  • 0
    Just came here to say I'm glad there are people with some music taste in the dev community
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