
I'd love to finish a few projects I'm currently working on:

- An add-on which gives a middle finger to websites which use services/products ran by companies which are known to be integrated within the biggest mass surveillance system ever created (US powered). Not because just fuck those websites but because I think (@PonySlaystation came up with this idea) that its only fair that people get to know which websites 'sell them out'. Oh and "but not everyone cares about that" - you don't HAVE to install the addon.
(will be open sourced)

- Notes service with a fun thing.

- PHP based server/website/whateverthefuckyouwant monitoring system which is pretty much module based and works with json files as configuration. (kinda works but still loads of bugs to solve and gotta improve the module system a lot).
(will be open sourced)

- PHP based pihole alternative which suits my needs (will be open sourced)

- Forgot one πŸ˜…

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    I'd personally like some updates on the monitoring system, I've toyed with the idea of doing something similar at some point, but just haven't gotten around to it yet.
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    Thanks for mentioning. It's truly awesome what you do!
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    @iKameo Snowden released a pretty big list, as far as I know.
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    Great list of things to do :)

    I would like to create a game about the book 1984 by George Orwell in 2019. Also work a bit more with PHP.

    Ricochet? ;)
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    @iKameo Gathering a list of all domains owned by the companies integrated within the surveillance network (public lists + whoissing) (companies like google/facebook/microsoft and others) and the add-on scans the site you're on (source code) and looks if any of the domains (script sources, img sources etc) match with the list.
    Also listens to background connections and does the same check when one gets established.
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    @404response Would you be able to download tox (tox.chat, you've got multiple clients for linux)? Then we can email tox id's and tox as I won't be near my computer for the upcoming few days πŸ˜…
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    @linuxxx sure, will download it and email you my id
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    @404response Awesome, thanks!
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    @linuxxx sent it to your tuta email
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    @linuxxx that would be pretty much every website, even devRant is loading shit from Google and Facebook.
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    @Fast-Nop Yup. But that doesn't really matter in this context.
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    @GamerPanda99 @Haxk20 @Jilano @infernalempress Will start an entire rework on the monitoring system this evening. It's quite hard coded now, going to turn it into a very flexible module based system :D
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