36.63% of the respondents said they’re not planning to use any new programming languages in the coming 12 months.

But, 18.15% of them said they’re planning to use Python, while 16.83% said they’re planning to use Go, followed by JavaScript with 16.17%.

What about the tools?

Honestly, this was the hardest part of the report since it required very thorough data cleaning, and it turns out developer teams use a wide variety of tools, especially when it comes to testing and project management.

  • 2
    What user base did you apply the survey on? Can we see the other diagram for the tools?
  • 5
    @irene This may be one of the reason
  • 4
    No, really, way fucking easier.
    Garbage-Collection, so no bugs due to raw memory-management.
    100% cross a compilable.
    Huge as fuck Standard-Library.
  • 3
    @irene the main reason for using go is not that it is a compiled language... It has a very concise library and syntax resulting often in far less code to be written without losing clarity. Has some great build in constructs for concurrency. When I need to handle incoming events or timed executions that may overlap I usually prefer go
  • 1
    @irene I totally agree with you. Leaving the author of that chart behind, I need to learn more and more each day overcoming the past.
  • 0
    @irene I agree with you on the chart. Some of the best code that I have written is in PHP...
    Often a language can help enforce good practices but especially longer existing languages contain of constructs that have become either obsolete or are easy to misuse/misunderstand. We programming professionals have to learn how to write idiomatic and that means idiomatic today not when the first standard was drafted.
  • 1
    You got a point there.
    But since Go is developed by Google and also used by them for their own stuff, I suppose they take care, that it contains no bugs.
  • 0
    Dafuq is Go actually?
    Is it JIT, is it native, is it runtime, is it like kotlin - actually just some libs or is it like python or js - just a trend?
  • 1
    Well, you dont have to use googles implementation, since there are 2 major Go implementations.

    "gc", the original implementation by Google, and " gccgo".
  • 3
    Its a compiled, native, language , primary developed by Google.
    Some points about it:
    - open-source
    - Garbage-Collection
    - Multi-Paradigm
    - Optimised for secure code and easy concurrency
    - statically linked by default
    - multiplatform and cross-compilable
  • 0
    @nitwhiz lol you call Python a "trend"?
  • 1
    Love how nobody wants to use pearl
  • 1

    If you see a language used for everything, you can't say anything else than "it's a trend".

    What happened to picking right tools for the problem?
  • 3
    @Lukaszpg A versatile language used for nearly 30 years in the right places is definitely not "just a trend"
  • 3
    Why is the sum over 100%? If it’s multiple choice, selecting idk and another language should not be a valid answer🤔
  • 2
    Perl 0.0% 😐
  • 1

    More money for me.
  • 2
    @sunfishcc It is multiple select. I assume this graph is correct and each language has the potential to reach 100%.
    So each bar/percentage reflects how many people (percent) of the questioned group (100%) is considering picking it up as a new language.
    Your only valid point is that when "not considering" is selected, other options may not be counted. I am not part of this survey so I do not know if it is properly conducted... You can always ask them.

    @ThatPerlDeb @bahua everybody already knows Perl 😉
  • 2

    Maybe over a certain age, but all these young people coming into the industry know nothing of perl.
  • 2
    @bahua "all these young people" go home grandpa..
  • 2
    I thought I was young, but then I discovered that people who were born when I was young are now considered the young ones. And I am just, yeah, old.
  • 1
    @metamourge NOTHING IS BUG-FREE
  • 0
    @metamourge "multiparadiam" is an overstatement with Go. It's very clearly meant to be a functional language. Thus it discourages OO patterns in favor of simple structs.
  • 0
    No Rust in this chart 😢
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