My !dev boyfriend just broke up with me because "I spend too much on the computer".

  • 29
    Everyone's too afraid to comment anything I guess.
  • 15
    He doesn't understand you like we do
  • 10
    You spend too much or you meant spend too much time on..? The former is ridiculous, the latter is either exaggerated or serious.
  • 9
    It's a typo sorry, it's "..spends too much time..."
  • 17
    @cabbybaby my gf and I've had some tensions about smartphone overuse and there were issues at both sides: she really had to tone it down, and I really needed to let go of a fixation on her smartphone use. Sorry it didn't end happily for you
  • 3
    That sucks bro. We're here for you if you need.

    Can I ask what he does?
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    @infernalempress He works in an accounting firm.
  • 8
    @d02d33pak apparently many devs fail to comit, as well.
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    @cabbybaby there are many more fish in the sea, and many are dev fish who understand.
  • 1
    That's rough!

    You'll always have us though
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    @lxmcf OK, sales guy at the shop guaranteed me that my shirt was a one of a kind...
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    @iAmNaN that's one of the most annoying things to hear.
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    I know we're kind of supposed to bash your ex bf, but I'm still giving him a benefit of the doubt.

    But don't get me wrong, I actually spend way to much time on pc.
  • 9
    @WildOrangutan I work from home and I use my computer for just about 8-10 hrs a day.
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    You work from home for 8 - 10 hours a day and your boyfriend says you use the computer too long? You say he works as an accountant I don’t know many accountants that don’t spend at least 8+ hours a day in the office, it’s your job for fuck’s sake. I use the computer for like a 12 + hours a day both because I work on it and play games on it so 8 - 10 hours sounds like rookie numbers to me lol.
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    @irene it is, but not uncommon for Americans. Accountants during tax season in the US can work some crazy hours. I try not to work more than 40 hours a week unless I’m really on a roll mostly because I think much work over 8 hours a day causes quality and productivity to drop pretty dramatically. But I have friends who work 10-12 hours a day.
  • 13
    @iAmNaN but finding dev boyfriends is difficult because how would you meet them? They hang around on devRant 36 hours per day and complain that they don't have girlfriends. ;-)
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    Just be strong and don't accept him back if he ever asks for it.
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    In the words of someone very wise: He can go straight to the darkest pit of hell :)
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    Just say to him: "you're the number 1 in my life" anyway you know you're a programmer and you start counting from 0.
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    @Sunsette yeah, send him here, his punishment will be eternal Justin bieber videos on a slow computer.
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    @Fast-Nop I hang around devRant like 35 hours a day and I managed to find someone! ...Actually kinda through dev means
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    @slouma you need an avatar
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    @iAmNaN just got one. Check out the cool stache
  • 6
    My two cents: A computer is a tool, and for people in our profession it's the tool we use for 8h a day, more if you also use it for entertainment or study.

    Most people switch to TV for entertainment, which is somehow "better" according to them.

    Everyone should pay attention to their health, regularly get up to move, drink enough water, get outside for a walk.

    But when you fulfill your needs in terms of healthy exercise, beyond that it's up to you to divide your time.

    Most people judge computers (especially those located at home) differently than other forms of being "unavailable". Working a 10h shift as a cook? Ambitious! Spending 10h to write a new feature? Obsessive! 8h Netflix binge in the living room? Fun! 8h building an obsidian throne room in Dwarf Fortress? Get a life!

    No one can judge your relationships, but it can only work if you respect each other's life rhythms. In most relationships you need a certain amount of common activity to stay in sync, but that doesn't necessarily mean spending less time using a computer.

    My girlfriend/wife spends most of her time gaming, streaming, recording walkthroughs. I plan dinners around her schedule, so we can eat together. We often go to a coffee place together in the morning. I join her in some games. We go on runs together. Sometimes I do kind of drag her outside to get some muscles moving, but only when she really has been stagnant in a seat for too long.

    If a computer is your work or even just a hobby, people need to respect that just like any other profession or hobby.

    I hope you find people who sync up better with your lifestyle. 🙂
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    @bittersweet our poet has spoken the truth.
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    Guys, ask the important questions first. Does Wordpress suck, does PHP suck, and where do arrays start? ^^
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    Dev is the ultimate commitment
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    It's his loss... Focus on developing cool libraries and fancy apps that would solve your day to day problems 😉
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    @cabbybaby That's really weird. I would guess he has a problem differentiating the work from the non-work hours. Which can happen a lot if you work from home as there are a lot of people who do not really "get" that difference.
  • 0
    My wife said I spend to much time coding so I commented her out 😎

    // Wife gone
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    @cabbybaby wish you a fast emotional recovery
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