
I recently received a 1 star review in the App Store. I have answered him twice to ask about which issues he had and what features were missing to him.
He responded really aggressively by posting this:
I purchased this app for my Sonos and found it very simple for an app I had to pay for. I gave it a 1 star and wrote why. Since then the designer has contacted me twice complaining about my review. Sorry, but I am entitled to my opinion and I want you to stop harrassing me because I think your app is basic and doesn't always work right.

DO NOT WRITE ME AGAIN. Suck it up and let me have my own opinion for what I paid for. If you don't like it, make the app free in exchange for 5 ego stars.

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  • 5
    It's unbelievable how people can be stupid just because they are paying for something. Atrocious.
  • 1
    I wonder what was his original comment when he gave 1 star.

    Also I don’t fully blame him for all we know he can be 12 years old or having a bad day and lashed out at you.
  • 2
    I'd report that review, because it is not a review. And it is highly insulting.

    You ask them what their issues were and they call that "harrassing"?

    Pff. Answer that you simply asked for the 1-star reason, so others can see and make up their own minds. Just be as aggression-free and polite as possible while doing that. (Yeah... difficult with such nutters...)
  • 2
    The original review basically mentioned that he is not satisfied with the features the app provides.
    He mentions that it only offers little features and mentions all the features that were also mentioned in the description by me.
    I answered (trying to be polite) that those features are currently the only features. Also that those features are listed in the description. If he wants to suggest new features he can do that by sending me an email.

    After that he changed it for the first time and he was blaming about too little features, but not mentioning any features that he misses.
    So I replied again trying to explain that the app is just a little helper I made, because I thought it’s missing.
    Mentioning again that I like to provide new features as I have done in the past.
    That ended in the last text shown above.

    I probably don’t answer this, because will then react on it again.
  • 2
    Well. Just your typical 1 star review. I mean - sure they are entitled to their opinion but people like this guy could at least learn how to write a review if they bother writing one at all. Insulting and not helpful in any way. Jeez.
  • 0
    Fuck him... Only people who enjoy bitching take the time to leave reviews
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