
God, my school's internet sucks ass...

  • 4
    Get closer to an AP and try again...
  • 3
    @kamen avg is 40% drop rate right next to the AP
  • 1
    U do internet over icmp?
  • 0
    @monolithicblob you don't use IMCP?
  • 0
    @coolboole They really hate me (well deserved, but still) plus the dude is never anywhere that doesn't require a 1-month appointment distance, so...
  • 1
    Hack staff wifi. Normally they will be fast
  • 1
    @sak96 It's MAC-based and my laptop is spoofing a teacher's broken work phone that the techs just threw away. Public is about 500kB/s, staff's is like 9MB/s.
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