A: You are a sick bastard!
Me: No, I'm a linux user!
A: so what?
Me: viruses can't handle me

  • 7
    Yeah, desktop Linux is so irrelevant that not even malware authors bother to waste their time with it. ^^
  • 4
    @gintko millions of routers with gaping security holes serve as bad examples.
  • 1
    @gintko If you think of: the user downloads an email attachment, then linux has viruses, juat because of the market share. Of course there are other viruses, but this ia obviously a joke..
  • 1
  • 1
    ... and neither can the normies
  • 0
    You can get sick by bacteria too.
    Which can infect your cooling system and periferials regardless of your OS.

    sick bastard.
  • 0
    @EaZyCode he forgot --no-preserve-root
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