
Don't get stuck in traffic, you will get ideas 😂😂

  • 25
    or you could get ideas that are much more sexy and less sexist. Like world class free public transport for everyone. (i like trains tbh)
  • 19
    @heyheni Holy fuck, seiing that side by side... makes me hate cars even more. I like your thinking.
  • 14
    @heyheni I'll be fair with you. I support the idea of public transport by any means.


    You need to get somewhere where public transport doesn't go, it runs once every X hours, timetable shifts way too much.

    In my honest opinion, trains/planes/boats are the no.1 solution but public transportation... Really hard to justify at full 100%.

    On the other hand, everyone wants comfort and ability to decide when and where to go, which you can't have with a bus :(
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    @potata *Slow Clap* You are so right.
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    @Marl3x then join us on the facebook group Numtots! (New urbanist memes for transit oriented teens.)


    numtot fb group
  • 6
    @potata sorry got q bit long and ego centric.
    i don't know your woes. Because i'm living in public transit utopia. Switzerland, where there are riots on the train platforms if there is more than 5min delay and train conductors apologiseses for arriving 5min early. 60% of the citicens in Zurich don't own a car - myself included. Because there is no need.
    Whithin 2 hours you're at any point of interest in switzerland. Sure switzerland is small. But that doesn't matter that much, because what matters is the will of the people and politicians. In 2013 the swiss voted yes to create a multi billion fund to invest in public transport infrastructure for the next 30years.
    Your politicians should do that too.

    It's possible, but you have to know that there is an alternative to the car dependent society and act upon it.

    here some youtube chanels for urban entertainment. @Marl3x
    vox - urban planing

    city beautiful
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    @heyheni why rely on public transportation when you can take your helicopter from your house to your private plane at the airport. That way there is no traffic 😎
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    @Marl3x - You should check out "Adam Ruins Everything", especially the episode that focuses on the car industry, and how it purposely demonized and destroyed public transportation becoming more valuable than the dependency of having your own automobile

    That show was great, watched it on Netflix, but it originates from CollegeHumor and is primarily a TruTV series. One of my favorite series' I learned about in 2018.

  • 1
    "Adam Ruins Cars" is the second episode on Netflix.

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    I kinda dig my cars. I also dig not living in a metropolis. I dig having the autonomy to come and go when I please. I work from home and homeschool my child, so I am not exactly resource intensive. I worked in London for a bit, so I get where you are coming from. It would be dope to have better trains in the US. First things first, let's get the fricken freight on trains. US highways are 70% trucks. If we could get freight on trains it would be so much more efficient from any angle. I worked in logistics for a time, and the problem seemed to be that trains never ran on time, and there was massive scarcity. That is not a good formula for an on demand economy. It is a vicious cycle. Cannot use rail because it is unreliable, cannot invest is rail because no one uses it.
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    @heyheni Ahh, you see, there is a tiny bit of a difference there. Some cities can do that as they have money, people in need. Heck, even some countries could.

    On the other hand, there are many places where that would not work.

    Now, in any case I personally agree with you at 100perc but I often look at both sides and it's not that simple to everyone :)

    Ps. You also mentioned that around 40perc of people have cars... That's the point - there will always be someone that needs comfort and is ready to pay for it :)
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    Fake pic. Electronic billboards dont need any iluminations.
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    Random but speaking of ideas ..
    Edit : you might have to open the full pic
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    @heyheni thing is that Switzerland is a whole other country, geography, political system, and economy. The U.S. is not a centralized direct democracy. It’s a constitutional republic that relies on a federal system where the central government is supposed to handle the defense and keep the economy “regulated” (running smoothly between states) and the states are supposed to do pretty much everything else. So if one state wants a rail system and another doesn’t, they have to work it out. It’s not supposed to be dictated from a central government. So public transit is more of a patchwork. And we have vast distances to cross and local and state rights of way to consider. But we did let the auto industry get too much power. We need more trains.
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    "The operator of the billboard that showed a pornographic clip at the Makati Central Business District claimed its system was hacked, Makati City Mayor Abigail Binay said Wednesday."

    Yeah right
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    Ahh experience varies a lot depending on where you live. Used to live in rural areas, you could not get by without a car. Some places had no train station and a bus twice a day. Even the bigger towns had busses only once every hour. You could get to many places on foot or on your bike, but that's not for between towns - too long a distance and too dangerous roads.

    Now I live in a big city. No need for a car, easily get anywhere I want within 30min, often faster than by car, due to special bus traffic lights and lanes.
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