
Today I used JavaScript. And from now on I have a PTSD.

  • 2
    Probably also an STD
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    @metamourge it's due to these frameworks, man!
  • 5
    Is PTSD.js the latest JS library?
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  • 1
    Typescript is your friend
  • 1
    PTSD = PhoToShop Disorder 🙄
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    @soulskrix LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE
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    @Lensflare *trees start speaking 1+'1'='11'*
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    It happened that I used JS for years in my early career as a developer, I connect deeply to this statement and I can't express enough how much trauma it gives me day by day now.

    JS is good for what it does, simple, dynamic, and pretty quick for an interpreted language.

    When it comes to a point you have to do a bit more complex stuff on the backend using Node.js or use a lot of libraries alongside, no IDE can help you know what fields any object contains. This is the only reason it is NIGHTMARE to use when dealing with a lot of abstractions, wrappers, and external libs.

    You never know 𝙪𝙥𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙩 what type object.theFuckIsThis, is, nor do you have the ability to quickly iterate over your code, running it is the only way to check.
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