  • 3
    My college life is infected with wannacry, and I haven’t found the solution yet
  • 1
    @devTea reformat the PCs ?
  • 4
    It's still going on. For example I wannacry everytime I see Javascript.
  • 1
    @MattDurajka you want me to kill myself?
  • 1
    @devTea well is there any other option really ?
  • 1
    Had to work for almost 48 hours straight because server guys had to patch the entire farm on a client (around 160 sevrers) and the client was afraid our applications would be affected by untested patches. Worst time of my career...
  • 1
    @devTea yes, basically the PC are going to be jesus incarnate. Make it dead and bring it back to life /s
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    @wowotek I don’t know if I can last for 3 days without my laptop
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