
Who among you devs ends up coding with 4 or maybe 5 different languages in one day !!! And by languages I mean C++, Python, JavaScript and Java for Android.

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    Currently my main language is 3 and I’m switching between projects
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    My default day involves working with C#, Java, JS and SQL.

    So, yeah...
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    It happens, usually it is just 1 or 2 though but there have been days where i've used 7-8 languages at work in 1 day and then 3 more at home, its not really a big issue, many professions require you to use a wide range of tools during a day.
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    Today I already coded C++, QML, JavaScript and Python
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    @yamidospina My dentist and the guy from the bike shop recommended 3 languages per day
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    @Snob this is funny cuz I'm coding with the exact same languages as u these days ! C++, QML and JavaScript (in Qt) for the HMI and Python for machine learning !
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    @Simpdad Yeah Qt haha. For me python to plot current and voltage curves
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