
My life partener and best friend is in the hospital with a heart attack. 😞

  • 6
    Sry to hear that.
  • 10
    I...want to give a ++ to like show my support. But in my mind it also feels like giving a ++ would be like "yeah heart attacks are awesome!"

    I hope everything goes well man.
  • 3
    she'll get better man don't worry we here for ya
  • 2
    Hope she's fine and will get well soon. Pray. God bless.
  • 2
    I hope everything goes well <3
  • 2
    everything will be fine, be strong

  • 2
    May God bless her and give her a healthy and long life
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    I hope they get better soon
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    Everything has been said by fellow devranters... I can only give my ++
  • 1
  • 1
    Hope he get's well soon.
  • 1
    Prayers for your partner 🙏
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    Remember we love you. Keep us informed, please.
  • 2
    Stay strong man, I hope she goes back to normal soon!
  • 4
    She has to have a triple bypass. Let me tell you, take care of yourself. Eat healthy, go for walks, get up from your workstation every so often. It's OK to eat sausage or pasta and drink beer from time to time, but eat healthy most of the time and be active. Your older self will thank your younger self if you do that. If you don't, time will eventually catch up to you.
  • 4
    She came out of the surgery in good shape. Now fur the weeks of recovery, and then a new life.
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    This is also a reminder to us guys to take good care of ourselves. Don't code or work till you drop. We only have 1 life
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    @iAmNaN It's difficult for me to put this into words, but at this point, she's gonna be OK. Remember, you've just passed through possibly the greatest shock of your life. Be careful and take care of yourself. You may do or think some strange things; that's your brain adjusting back to normal. But remember to take care of yourself first, otherwise things could get trainspottery. Excellent to hear the surgery is over and you have the future to look forward to.
  • 3
    Triple bypass completed last Wednesday and she was sent home from the hospital yesterday. Now weeks of therapy and recovery. It's a new beginning for both of us, especially how we exercise and what we eat.
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    @iAmNaN yes we need to keep ourselves healthy. It doesn't mean in my 30s I have no health issues then I will not exercise or not do diet/eat healthy foods.
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    @Devnergy I actually try to stay pretty healthy. I walk two miles (3.2Km) each work day during lunch on an indoor circuit, and five miles (8Km) each Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting outdoors. I try to limit sugar and carbs, but honestly, those are my Achilles heel.
  • 1
    I hope he gets well soon. Stay strong.
  • 0
    Amigos, não custa muito chateado, se seu pênis não quer subir, eu recomendo que você chamar a sua atenção, e eis este site https://homemfarmacia.pt/comprar-ci... , porque é aqui que eu sempre consigo comprar realmente bom. Tenho certeza de que você será capaz de agradar ele, pois ele é melhor que os concorrentes
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