
Alright so I'm in need of a little advice.

So I recently decided to go back and practice basic problem solving and from what I can tell now it's just me not used to JS like I am with python but I want to move on to bigger projects and other basic concepts (like manipulation of the DOM) and move away from basic problems.

But my concern is that I'll look at that list and only pick the ones that I feel I understand I can solve instead of the ones I cant. And theres a large list of them and I see that people are doing a lot of them while I'm just doing a few per page. And I'm afraid I'm just not good enough or stupid if I just ignore the basics and move on because the basics are there for you to figure out the easy stuff.

But I really just want to move on and I dont know when I need to. And last time I asked for advice I mentioned I have been programming for a few years, left out the normal accomplishments I've posted on here but I was just told since it's taking me this long I should just quit I tried to rebuttle but they kept telling me no that literally broke me and my confidence so now I'm sensitive to asking questions also fuck whoever that was.

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    Whoever told you to stop is a fucking retard and should not be taken seriously.

    Don't feel bad for not being able to solve everything.
    Picking things you can do easily allows you to get practice. Even if you have no problems solving it, you are still using the language and are actively improving.
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    @PrivateGER in your personal opinion when should I move on from the basic exercises? Should I set a total amount I do until I move on or what.
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    @Bubbles Do basic ones as long as you like.
    I like to do as many as I want that I am comfortable with and then choosing one per day I cannot possibly solve without research.
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    @PrivateGER alright I'll try that
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