
Meanwhile in CSI Miami.

  • 11
    There's so much wrong with that :P First of all the IP, but also a log file as a .dll? What?
  • 9
    @LucaScorpion I did not even reach till dll log, felt unconscious just after seeing IP. nice one.
  • 5
    it took me some time to get it, since my mind autocorrected the last dot as a colon, interpreting it as port number :D
  • 1
    @cors Yeah I thought that at first glance too, but then I noticed the other numbers (901? 310?)
  • 1
    @LucaScorpion wow yeah the flaw is more fundemental than that :S
  • 7
    $ping 310.27.901.33.1109
    PING 310.27.901.33.1109 (wtfiswrongwithyou.foo) 56(84) bytes of data.
    Host unreachable: you're an ass
    Host unreachable: stop bugging me
    Host unreachable: your mom is ugly
    Host unreachable: F you, moron!
    --- 310.27.901.33.1109 ping statistics ---
    4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 3999ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = Don't bother to ask...
  • 7
    @303Tek [accidentally communicates with aliens]
  • 0
    I wonder if they do this like 555 phone numbers. Ya'know so some poor sod doesn't randomly picked out cause it was on tv.
  • 3
    This IP is over 9000

    Probably some alien location or something...
  • 1
    faith in humanity: destroyed..
  • 7
    and I quote "I'll make a GUI in visual basic to track his IP" thanks CSI...
  • 0
    @Mitch377 did you see the episode where instead of just writing a script to print the out put they wanted for the scene that just punched everything in to a shell (Mr robot)
  • 2
    You guys think you are so smart. Its all encrypted. Those Tv shows never do tech mistakes.
  • 1
    @deadpool88 they mostly use very advanced technology where all the data and code is represented by fancy visual effects and random strings. it's the future of programming we're not yet aware of :D
  • 3
    What do you guys even know? This is clearly the new IPv5! Hmpf. And you call yourselves developers! 😂
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