
when a non-programmer creates a meme related to programming. NICE TRY!

  • 4
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    I literally save every time I finish a line.
  • 6
    Cmd+S on every line.
  • 9
    to test whatever you're making you must save, its hard to believe you didn't save/test after 500 lines
  • 7
    me : wrote one line, hit ctrl+s twice or more
  • 12
    Would you nice people take a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior JetBrains?
  • 1
    I save every few lines, usually every 5 or 6, since it's such a fast thing to just hit Ctrl-S, especially since the Ctrl and Alt keys are used most often in nano!
  • 2
    I have enabled the VS Code setting to save the file every time the editor loses focus. Even while switching between tabs.
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    What is this ctrl-s of which you are speaking? I thought :w was the standard.
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    @SuwakoMmh Some builds don't allow that. Dunno why, but still...
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    During earlier days they used to type sync multiple times.
    So that the file changes get pushed to hard disk
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    addEventListener("writeLine", () P=> {
    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
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    Commit the changes, fixed the merge conflicts, and leave for the vaccation without pushing to the repository. 😨
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    Imm its more you quit and you miss the git push at the end
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    :w twice every minute.
  • 0
    That reminds me when I wrote lines to put on a DW report after 2 infernal hours working on Juniper routers on a mail to send to myself (the noob way of transferring from a userXY account to your own PC, I know, there's no other way)... my nerves made me forget to send the mail and draft wasn't saved.
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