I'm suddenly feeling intense pain in my left arm.

  • 4
    Below the fold clients be like πŸ‘πŸ‘
  • 5
    Hello early 2000s, I don't miss you!
  • 5
    That's as if someone intentionally tried to install as many toolbars as possible.
  • 2
    When you have half of this many toolbars it's hard to notice a new one appearing :) poor user
  • 1
    Just wait till you get ads there πŸ€”omg
  • 2
    is that... windows... f**king... vista? 😱😱😱

    Please tell me you found this screenshot from your archives or even the internet and that is not your actual system. Please. I'll fall on my knees and beg, if you want me to.

    If it is actually your system, send me your address. I'll first mail your a hammer to use on your hard-drive; then I'll mail you a thumb-drive with a GNU/Linux system live-booted on it ( probably Manjaro / PureOS ).

    If you still choose to keep your system; I will find your machine and I will burn it to the ground. #die
  • 1
    Do you smell burned toast? I think you might be having a stroke. Easy to see why
  • 2
    We need an exorcist here...
  • 1
    @kamen "cool toolbars"

  • 1
    Back in 2010 when I was doing phone support I had a customer call in for a slightly more extreme case of that. They had to have been the type ro just click yes on everythingn there was literally only an inch of visible space on their screen.
  • 2
    @shine Definitely found this online. If I had ever been responsible for something this unholy... I would move to Japan and commit seppuku for the shame brought on my family
  • 0
    @shine Where's all that hate coming from
  • 0
    @kamen Primarily against Microsoft shit.

    Then there's the part where Windows Vista was killed by its creator shortly after release. It was probably the shortest lived release in the Windows history.

    And then the toolbars on IE6/7. And then IE6/7 themselves. Do you need more? (I wouldn't say I have any more left though; but I could make up some random stuff just to pacify you if you said yes.)
  • 0
    @shine Nobody forces you to use IE if you're using Windows. You had a choice way back before Vista.
  • 0
    but the web browser with all those toolbars in the screenshot is IE @kamen
  • 0
    Elderly people that don't understand computers have this crap.
  • 0
    @CoffeeNcode stupidity hath no age πŸ˜‚
  • 0
    Those were the days
  • 0
    Back when they realised data was going be big in the future so everyone was trying to get some data from users lol
  • 0
  • 0
    Mom’s pc got famous.
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