
I see what you did there...

  • 16
    Actually I think it's a bug in the system permissions dialog. I think they're searching the string for the app name to find where in the string to apply the highlight, and it's catching the first instance unintentionally.
  • 1
    @alyx Yeah that makes sense seeing that the second Allo isn't colored
  • 0
    That's right. This'll happen with any app whos name is a substring of "Allow".
  • 3
    They forgot "Deny" or "Allo"
  • 0
    Google says: "Allow (*ahem* Allo) us into all of your lives"
  • 0
    As Krill Grouchnikov (dev at Google) pointed out, this is what happens when you use substring method instead of string xml tag with xliff.
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