got my first salary!!!

  • 8
  • 30
    Now go buy condoms
  • 7
    You are now on your way to become rich
  • 12
    @hubiruchi more like on their way to working extra hours without overtime pay
  • 5
    ¡Cool! What are you going to buy with it?
  • 7
    Congrats, you are on your way of buying brand new Lamborghini every time you’re tired of old one’s colour. This is how frontenders live you know
  • 4
    @Floydian well, saving money is cool and all, but on the other hand saving everything and using nothing is like some Midas shit- not useful
  • 2
    Now don't fall in to the mindset of thinking you need to earn that salary by working (obviously, unpaid) overtime 😉
  • 2
    Congrats dude!
  • 2
    @BillAfe thruthy. Must not be a rant.

    Unless @fuckwindows actually hates money and this is a real rant. In which case, will you give the money to someone who don't hate it? As me

    Seriously: buy weed, all da weed you can
  • 1
    @Floydian so you're saying dont buy apple? ;)
  • 1
    Black and blue! Applaudise
  • 1
    Good job. Now throw a first salary party (on which you spend it all).
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