I am a CS student. I can do core programming(like solving a basic problems) stuff pretty well but, I can't seem to understand UI design.
I was learning web development.
Learnt the basics of HTML, CSS then thought "let's make a simple website".
Couldn't design a single thing.
I mean i know the concepts how to implement forms tables navs etc stuff. But main problem is I can't think of good design.

Am I just not made for web dev or what?
How to be a web dev? I am following Angela Yu's udemy course, should i try freecodecamp?

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    I make UI like a cheap universal tv remote.
    That’s why I’m a backend developer.
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    @bkwilliams i feel the same.
    I mean some people can make living out of Designing stuff. But me, i don't think its for me.
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    UI development is hard, especially the design. Don't worry. Like everything else, it takes time, and patience
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    @asgs so do more and more practice?
    The thing is there is so much options for designing, I am just option paralyzed or something.
    I mean there are billions of types of nav to use, and i still suck at building basic nav.
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    @DrDonkey yes. And Logic != Art
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    @asgs you understand me.
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    UX is hard. I think everyone goes through this phase.

    What makes UX tricky is that you don't notice good design and that is arguably the goal. You can make a flawless site with one issue and the user will only notice that issue.

    An absolute must that I skipped out on at the start was to sketch the layout beforehand. On paper, powerpoint, some fancy software, doesn't matter.

    And keep it simple; don't try to be clever. Nobody likes "clever" UI design except the people who made it.
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    Try to take a pencil and a piece of paper and paint it. If you don't like it paint it on an other way.

    If you like it code it
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    Do you want to become a web developer? (Maybe switch courses)

    I wouldn't expect a CS student to know web design; rather hire a professional designer.
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    I’ve been reading this https://draft.nu/value/ even as a developer it has been helpful.
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    HTL/CSS as tools are useless if you have no idea what you want to achieve. You could start out on usability with https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ , and also the other way around by learning from bad examples at http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/ . Stuff like colour wheels, accessibility etc can follow.
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    @Fast-Nop that goes for all programming in general. In the last few years I don’t code until I have a solid design. Once I have that design then the coding part is really easy except for the edge cases, too many of them and it is a smell test of the design.
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    @bkwilliams in addition for "new" domains, knowing what you want and also what best practices finally should look like reduces the questions to "how do I do this and that?", which translates into easy googling as you go.

    For a simple project, the website should also look simple (not: ugly). Actually, users even prefer simple websites over complicated ones.
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    I usually just copy a colorscheme (nord is great), slap a bit of flexboxes everywhere, and a fair share of border radius, and I get something not too bad. Only works on simple projects webpages, so yeah, but I got some nice things:
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    @ltlian @JackToolsNet wow. I've never thought about it. I just go in editor and think what i want, rather than designing the layout beforehand.
    Am i right? You mean design a layout before coding?
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    @raffaels-blog exactly.
    I think I do good with core programming logic rather than ui and designing stuff.
    When i see my class mates doing designing and web development I feel myself as incompetent.
    Maybe that's only me.
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    @Fast-Nop I'll definitely look into it. Thanks.
    Also simple websites are bae.
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    Just look at and copy other websites that you like the design of. UI design is an art so it takes time and practice. You'll learn through copying how to do it. And when you get the hang of it, youll create your own style.
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    @DrDonkey if I were you, i would stick to CS. You're better at it, it's in more demand and, therefore, paid better.

    There are lots of people who can build a beautiful website but few who are good at core CS.
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    Refactoring UI is an awesome book. Its meant for people who are not designers and is very pragmatic. They have also some free videos. Might be worth a try.
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    It just takes time and practise like everything else. Just go on making shit ui for now but continue learning things along the way.later on you will just know what's right and start getting hang of it
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    "Good artists copy great artists steal."

    So here some links for your book marks.

    Ui design pattern examples
    Ui design pattern examples
    The page where every designer steals from
    The page where the stolen design is displayed. 😄

    Some learning resources
    the one stop place for learning ux design
    Refacturing Ui, the show where websites are improved.

    Some tools
    Browser based design tool
    The most popular design tool, macos
    The most powerfull design tool, macos
    For quick wireframing

    Some things you should know.
    - Typography is one of the most important thing in a design, so choose wisley. https://www.typewolf.com/
    - create a point of interest by using lots of space around it.
    - less is more
    - hyrarchy is important. 1 2 3 4
    - learn about color, vibrance and contrasts
    - learn about using grids
    Do all that by searching www.medium.com

    good luck 😎
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    @heyheni on the other hands, don't use "designer" pages as inspiration, particularly not those rewarded with "design awards" because they are invariably unusable pieces of shit. ^^
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    @raffaels-blog I crawled about 10 websites which publishes jobs and intern opportunities. They all want full stack devs, designers.
    Some want java developers. There are nothing else they want in my country.
    I am gonna go to another country for masters degree.
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    @musician thank you. I'll look into it.
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    @theonewhostands welcome to devRant!
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    @Nanos Lovely stuff. Thank you for posting.
    I will give it a try.
    I'll stick with learning and developing.
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    @M1sf3t Anjela Yu's web development 2019 course(pirated course, cant afford to pay).
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    @heyheni thank you so much for the resources.
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    @M1sf3t x/y*y != x/y^2 in every language.
    Use parentheses to be on the safe side.
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    I'm learning version control with GitHub too.
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