I just bought an arduino out of curiosity to actually learn IOT.
I am a business student with 0 knowledge on electronics. What am I suppose to learn first before playing with this device, i don't care about learning curve (i have the time and resources assuming i don't get fired from my current job)

  • 3
    Which Arduino?

    If you're decently comfortable with basic C++ programming I'd suggest you start off looking at the example code that comes with the IDE

    Then buy one of those electronics kits with a bunch of jumpers and breadboard and LEDs and resistors and stuff. All you basically need to know about circuits at first is that you have to form a closed path from one of the Vcc pins to one of the GND pins, just that much gets you surprisingly far (also careful of polarity on diodes and capacitors). Try some basic stuff like lighting LEDs and reading buttons and serial communications. Stay away from complex circuits.

    Then I guess you could buy more components. It's generally just a matter of attaching Vcc and GND (i.e. power delivery) the right places on the components (should be marked) and sticking control wires as per some tutorial somewhere (or documentation).

    After that IoT is just a matter of finding the right hardware and the right tutorial to go with it
  • 2
    First of all, learn to not leave it on a metal surface. Or else you'll stop learning pretty fast.

    Then, I think the most simple and yet satisfying way to learn using it at first is having a bunch of LEDs and buttons and make whatever comes to your mind. Keep in mind that you might need current limiting resistors for the LEDs and pull-up resistors for the buttons. (I might be wrong about the terms though, it's been quite some time since I tinkered with electronics)
  • 0
    @RememberMe am very familiar with C
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