
IT teach giving a speech that our MS excel exams are shit and we have no logic and that we suck at math. I mean, yeah it's true that I suck at math and I've never used excel before coz I never had to but ffs I code during nights and I love it, also there are so many fields, saying that you'll be just a part-time waiter... If you have the attitude to solve a problem that you care enough about you'll get there eventually. Sucking at something doesn't mean you suck at everything, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

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    Don't listen to your cunt teacher.
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    @N0-Flux-Given Yeah, there are actually teachers who know less in the profession than me and have such a big mouth... and I'm still just a noob.
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    Been there. Protip: most IT teachers don't know anything about IT itself.

    My dad was installing the network in school (back when he used to do that kind of things), and the IT teacher in that school that was supposed to know how networking works, told him that he "actually doesn't know anything about it, at all".
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    @athlon fucking throw that teacher into the next bin, throw that fucking bin into a fucking junkyard and watch him brutally die while he burns, screams for help and gets pressed by a big ass crusher.
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    That’s a horrible teacher you have. I’m a software developer and I don’t know anything about excel. U know why ? Because I never had to learn ! A good professor of mine at college said : u only learn something that u need ( or something like that haha, it’s been so long)
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