Got a high paying job, with great benefits, and a big name, straight out of college. I was hired as a software engineer. Comfy, relaxed, and flexible.

The problem comes where it was not the job I was expecting. It has been almost a year and the only programming I've done has been 1 small copy pasta project. I am worried because I am bored and feeling my coding skills fade away. I'm still a novice programmer and feel like this impacts future career opportunities not learning useful skills for outside of this company. I'm going to grad school to do what I really want but still have the 2 years.

Do I stay or do I make the stressful change again? Other fun thing is I just relocated a distance to an area with not a lot of opportunities so would likely involve relocating again.

  • 6
    I feel you. You have three options:

    1. Leave for a smaller company where you'll learn way more.

    2. Spend far less than 8 hours per day doing your required tasks. Then take up a significant side project where you'll learn more, intending to productionize it.

    3. Go to the next level within your company. Improve the processes that limit you. Spend your extra time learning and inserting yourself in places that people might not ask for help. Do some cross-team/cross-cutting work.
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