So who else is on Mac and not updating Slack to retain the old good logo? LOL 😂

  • 9
    You like the logo that much? I prefer security over meaningless graphics 🤔
  • 4
    @iamavalos unless you could actually break a data cap with superfluous updates, your security is not worth "meh idk idc." Uninstall it or update it.
  • 1
    @iamavalos I suppose that's fair, but no mention in patch notes doesn't necessarily mean it didn't happen, either. Especially with big dev studios.
  • 0
    @svgPhoenix I think the update is just for the logo although future updates maybe security related.

    No one will hack me I guess because I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy 😬
  • 0
    Does it have a dark theme yet?
  • 8
    iMovie: removes feature just because.

    Who would install that? It's a downgrade.
  • 1
    @Root my thought as well 😁
  • 0
    I already have enough web browsers installed on my system without installing a web browser masquerading as a chat client. If I have to use it, I use it in an actual web browser or a Slack to IRC gateway.
  • 1
    Why don't you save that curreny logo, update and then replace it? Didn't use a Mac in years, but back a few years it was easy to do such thing, or do you just want to have something to rant about ;)
  • 0
    @tpiekarski maybe I'm too lazy to do that hehe. But I'll try that. Thanks for the tip
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