Q: Do you have an option which allows me to use spaces instead of tabs?

A: Go fuck yourself (and, stop using a plain text editor, then uploading code to Google Docs.)

  • 4
    A: Sure, change your god damn editor to inject spaces on tab.
  • 2

    Q: Ok, thanks. So how can I do that on Google Docs?

    A: Go fuck yourself (and, stop using a plain text editor, then uploading code to Google Docs.)
  • 1
    @Hypergeek fuck google docs.

    Git init
    Git remote add origin URL
    Git push -u origin master

    If that’s too complicated, quit now.
  • 1
    @C0D4 - Some devs don't use version control.

    Just like other devs don't dare to separate the CSS from their JavaScript when it's used for appearance.

    Most devs don't use any of the above three correctly.

    And, for the sake of anything worth more than a penny; if you're using SVC and Coldfusion... wake the fuck up, take a shower, and join the party.
  • 1
    @Hypergeek coldfusion...., dude I think my heart skipped a beat.
  • 1
    @C0D4 - The place I'm no longer at was using Coldfusion. They "loved" it but had no fucking idea how to use it, sucking off the Adobe Cloud.

    Then they even tried to integrate AngularJS into it two months after that went EoL.

    The same with SVC, they hated transitioning to Git, didn't want to, stored everything SVC in the trunk, never used branches, ran everything on Windows Server... oh, and Microsoft just bought Github, motherfuckers.

    Those are the leads of a million dollar company that's taken over three years to produce a socket.io chat app.

    Good times.
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