Manager: Have you ever developed anything on Mac?

Me: Nope never even used one more than 5 minutes.

Manager: Mr Important Guy has a Mac and he needs to use one of our tools (which is very Windows specific).

Me: Tell him to use Windows like everyone else. We aren't going to support a single Mac user when the other 500 machines are Windows.

Manager: But he's important. Can we get him something with limited functionality?

Me: Fine but it will be *very* limited and buggy.

On a side note I hate Macs (only because I've never used them). I have to google how to do the most trivial of tasks.

  • 2
    What limited and buggy solution did you provide him?
  • 9
    Never heard the term "virtual machine"?
    VmWare, VirtualBox, Parallels, Wine, ....
  • 2
    @asgs It is functional in 95% of the cases which he is aware of. No error handling, logging, just the bare bones get it running.
  • 1
    @taglia That is "too complicated for him" unfortunately.
  • 3
    Vip treatment. In other words, money above all.
  • 2
    He can install windows 10 and use boot camp to run native versions of windows or mac, by rebooting into the different OS no emulation. That way he can run your windows software and use mac for everything else, and you only need support windows.
  • 1
    best of both worlds! just use wine.
  • 1
    Just state that it's not part of the contract or SLA. Windows only is Windows only. Not your problem.
    Btw, love the username.
  • 1
    Parallels. One extra button click. Done.
  • 0
    convert it to a progressive webapp in electron
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