Our IT service provider...

Oh boy... That's not the way to install a server in a rack...

They simply threw the PC on the floor of the rack...

BTW: the rack is in the kitchen 😂

  • 3
    I don't see any problem with this.
    This server just sits there and is at no risk to fall down. As long they don't stack midis without these L braces in between..
  • 7
    I'm more enraged that it's in the kitchen 😂

    Hot air... Greasy contamination... Yuck. The noise also kills any mood there might be for socializing
  • 3
    @ananaszjoe socializing? What is that word you speak of?
  • 4
    If it’s in the kitchen no one will suspect that it might be important. You could also store your sandwich and no one will steal it.

    I’ll move my servers to kitchen sounds like a great idea 😂
  • 4
    We call it "the pizza oven" 😂
  • 2
    Lol.. like "hey Charlie, the oven isn't working - you know what to do... yeah like the last time"
  • 1
    @kickass the secret rack could be then used to serve food also
  • 0
    @electrineer sure why not, hr dept would like that.
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