Have any of you dropped out of college or never tried to get a degree at all ?

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    Yea, but I guess @ItsNotMyFault 😃I m!= yours fault 😃
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    @Omnisus Nah, that was my own fault and i do sort of regret dropping out (i got a job anyway eventually but things were a lot harder than they had to be the first few years and extra knowledge never hurt anyone)
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    Yes, but I still learn the theoretical stuff that’s in a CS degree that I think is useful for my career choices.
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    @ItsNotMyFault took me longer than necessary to land a job too without a degree, hopefully my next search will be a lot faster now that I’m getting industry experience
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    109 credit hours in, I dropped out
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    How much Semesters did you stay ?
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    @metamourge um yes. My college was a wild ride (3 degree programs). I did music ed for a semester, robotics for a semester, then settled on the IT/computer science stuff. According to the u iversity, I was an academic junior. I think in total I did 7 semesters and was 3 shy of graduating
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    Hi from an uneducated full stack dev 👋
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    Realized it was a pointless and expensive waste of time.

    Dropped out.

    (I was two and a half years in, and dual majored in computer science and digital art. Had I finished it, I would have earned three separate degrees at once since my two majors and a web dev degree collectively differed by like 7 classes. I left because I was learning absolutely nothing from any of the classes, and couldn't skip ahead any further)
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    I dropped out from computer game development with one course left. I still haven't returned the laptop I borrowed in 2010. Technically the project is not finished so it's probably no biggie.
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    I dropped out of school right before my A-levels, fucked up for a couple of months and now I'm doing a developer apprenticeship.
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