When I am asked to stay at 4:58pm on friday night


  • 1
    You're not alone 😢 - currently still at work, it's 17.30 and looks like it may approach 18.00 before I can go with good conscience
  • 2
    @Elyz Yeah me too, but tbh I will take work home, beer can't be denied today!
  • 0
    that's why I left at 1400 so that this does not happen.
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    If it's not enjoyable it's not worth living through, stop drinking!
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    Nobody to tell you you can't drink on the job when you're self-employed...
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    @notwhoyouthink do you have Overtime pay or offset? I don't 😎
  • 0
    @Devnergy no but I can take a free time afterwards when things are more relaxed... (I like to think this can really be true, eventually)
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