Late night + Stellardrone + Haskell = bliss

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    Late night + preparation for an exam + voice chat with school comrades on Discord + eating snacks while learning + pubg after the preparation phase + random music = bliss(?/!)
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    Bro would you happen to have any particular tutorial or book recommendations on Haskell or F#? I have been flirting with the idea of F# for a while
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    @AleCx04 for Haskell, the best resource by far imo is https://gumroad.com/l/haskellbook but it's a bit pricey (could be unofficial versions floating around on the internet somewhere, not sure) but I bought it and it's awesome.
    If not this then the authors have a GitHub repo in which they recommend how you go about learning it using existing resources https://github.com/bitemyapp/...
    There's also Real World Haskell (free online version) for a quick look at some concept. Don't use Learn You a Haskell, it's kinda outdated and has no exercises.

    For F# this site is a hub of sorts https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/ and I used Don Syme's Expert F# 4.0 book (it's pretty heavy and detailed). F# as a language is a bit of a downgrade from Haskell, but it has more "practical" features (like type providers) and .NET of course. After this I just search engined whenever needed, the MS docs on .NET Core have some F# stuff too for example.
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    @AleCx04 since (if?) you already know C#, I found it useful to take an existing C# project and slowly replace as much as possible with F#, since you can mix them pretty freely.
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    Was waiting for someone to vauch for the haskell book before considering purchasing it. Thanks man! As far as F# goes I also appreciate the recommendations :D
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