Native Android Java/Kotlin I got covered but I need to go multi platform mobile. Your choice, why and why not?...
- React native
- Flutter
- Adobe Air
- phoneGap/Cordova
- Xamarin
- another?

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    Currently build an app in Ionic. We decided to switch to Flutter because Ionic is shit.
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    @24th-Dragon my college is using xamarin and is complain 24/7 hardly anything works outing the box.
    I would go native or flutter is u like material design
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    Go for Flutter. The best solution on the market if you ask me. If you are looking for deva, I think React Native is the way to go. But still, give Flutter a try first.
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    Currently working with react native, I really like it! If you are into js, use it
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    I asked myself the same question some months ago. Today we released a react native app and everything went well. We even used real native code for BLE :) It also has a very big and active community.
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    I'd choose Flutter, but I hate Dart. It's just so not good compared to Kotlin. I'm still rooting for a Kotlin to Dart transpiler, or native Kotlin support by Flutter. Furthermore, many essential packages (e.g. camera) aren't stable yet, although Flutter is, this means that development can/will be a PITA.

    The good thing about React Native is that it enables web devs to develop mobile apps quite easily. So if you're working with some web experience, go RN.

    Xamarin I tried and I think it has the most mature languages (C#, F#) and tooling in general (Microsoft makes shitty software, but their dev tooling is awesome). I have no more experience with it than some tutorial, but it was very promising. Try it out.

    One downside to your situation: the iPhone simulator is not that good so you might want to buy a physical device. Which is fuckton of money just for dev purposes. 🤦‍♂️
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    For simple purposes you can also go PWA... But only if you know it is really simple and small and that it'll stay that way.
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    I recently noticed that IntelliJ IDEA offers multi-platform iOS/Android projects for Kotlin in the new project menu... Haven't checked it out yet, though.
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    I'm using flutter it's easy and works pretty wel haven't deployed on ios yet but to android is quite easy
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    @DarkAngel that's all but the iOS UI classes. But yes, you can program a server, desktop app, web app, Android app, iOS app, watchOs app, Android auto app, embedded app, etc. etc. in one Kotlin code base for native JVM and JS runtimes.
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    I use Xamarin. Prefer it to doing native Android java stuff
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    @eeee Oh, thanks! I've never done anything Apple-related and probably never will... Don't have a mac and don't intend to get one.

    Good to know it's not just for iOS/Android. Will give it a try for something cross-platform (as in PC/Android). Though I'm somewhat skeptical about it being more practical that just putting the shared stuff in a library and using said library in separate PC/Android projects... Android is wildly different from dektop...

    But then again, the Kivy framework for Python shows using the same UI code for both platforms is viable (never had screen density trouble with that, unlike native Android Java... Though that was thanks to the rapid changes in the SDK and lack of experience with it, probably. And on older phones when Android was around version 4.0, it was actually faster than native UI, due to being 100% OpenGL, I guess).
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