// !rant

Anybody here knows Backblaze's B2 Cloud Storage?
I am thinking of using it to storage video from a web app that I am developing. The process is:
1 - Send video files (both) to storage w/ cli (Done ✔)
2 - Authorize the asynchronous download and shows it on the HTML5's player (reading the doc ✖).

Anybody experienced some workflow likes this before? I am trying save some time before break my head after read all CLI doc (only cli, I can't find any workflow of it)

  • 0
    I have actually tried using backblaze for it and it's quite hard to wrap your head around it, but if you look at the Overview for Large files or normal files and read through the API endpoints you should be able to get some form of workflow going (I was able to do it using cURL and BASH)

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