
For my local dev, set up my own root CA, added to trusted root CA in my machine, generated a cert for my local domain, signed by my own root CA, but the behavior is different across browsers:

Can someone help in making Google Chrome padlock green or grey (not red)?

  • 2
    Chrome does that to me with our Oracle Enterprise Manager, which is an internal app. Edge does as well, come think of it. Edge lets me continue anyway, Chrome will not.
  • 1
    @iAmNaN Enter "chrome://flags/" in the chrome address bar and play with the settings :)
  • 3
    Close chrome completely (taskmanager kill it).

    Also if your not running https over :443 chrome will complain.

    Was the Cert added to the machine or the user?

    Was the cert actually correct?

    What’s the error page in chrome say? Generally an ssl error code.
  • 2
    Chrome has its own CA bundle (-_- I know) so you'll have to add your CA to it's certificates in settings
  • 4
    Finally figured it out. Google chrome, for a valid certificate, needs SAN (Subject Alternative Name) extension in the certificate which should have a FQDN matching with the URL domain name. Once I generated this, the "Not Secure" red warning went away. Yay!!
  • 2
    @ajit555 ah that hold chestnut.

    Chrome should have had “Subject Alternative Name Missing” show up on its error page.
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